soggy cereal

I admit Cookie Monster, your Meta-Oreo idea DID blow my mind. I seriously said out loud, "Oh. My. God." You, sir, are a genius and I bow to your greatness.

I admit Cookie Monster, your Meta-Oreo idea DID blow my mind. I seriously said out loud, "Oh. My. God." You, sir, are a genius and I bow to your greatness.

I had also heard good things about it from friends.  I read it in college, but wasn't necessarily blown away.  I did, however, at the time (I was a sophomore in college), think his other book "Searching For God Knows What" was capital-A Amazing. However, I went back and read it after graduating from college and didn't

RE: Rein it in

I think Veronica probably thought that Keith wanted Lianne home, too. Even when he's dating Alicia, she probably thought that it was only because Keith had given up hope that Lianne would ever come back. She probably didn't tell Keith because she wanted to surprise him and didn't want to get his hopes up in case it

Reba, you do realize that Rowan hasn't seen the entire series yet, right? And Rowan has spent a lot of time on the relationship between Logan and Veronica, but these two episodes weren't very Logan-heavy, so there isn't much to analyze this week. I, for one, am glad that Rowan spent time this week talking about

I was hoping for San Diego. Veronica Mars, Terriers, Some Like it Hot, etc. Also, STFU:SD:SUV.

VanDerSmurf - Don't forget about that soccer thing at Qualcomm. I usually hate driving, but I hate it even more this week.

Thirded on Korra. Pleeeease.

I haven't had much luck with Amazon Prime. The movies I've tried to watch were super grainy and choppy, and had to buffer every five seconds. It was pretty frustrating.

The reason Rob Lowe was not nominated was because he submitted himself as Lead Actor instead of Supporting Actor.

Too bad I didn't see your warning sooner. Immediately after watching the video, I went to the nearest drive thru for a bacon cheeseburger. Mmmm….bacon.

I noticed that, too. Also, I'm so sick of every other routine being either contemporary or jazz. With all the different ballroom styles, surely they can choose more than two a night?

Agreed - Travis was an awesome judge. He definitely gave the best feedback out of anyone on the panel.

I did miss Mary last season. Sure, her voice can get grating, but she is really knowledgeable about ballroom, and I find her critiques to be way better and way more constructive than, say, Mia Michaels or God forbid, Tasty Oreo.

I agree - I would be sad to see any of them go - I definitely want to see more from all of them. Despite this, most of my online votes went to Melanie, though I did save some for Iveta and Missy.

I was surprised that you thought she looked crushed when her tailbone wasn't broken, because I perceived it differently. I thought that before going to the hospital, she seemed worried that she wouldn't get to dance and would be automatically dismissed from the competition - she seemed more relieved than crushed

I was really disappointed that Arielle Coker got cut. She was my favorite. I was kind of irritated that the judges' criticisms of her were so vague, too - "We're not sure what we can expect from you." What's that supposed to mean? At least give her something specific to work on, especially considering it's her

