Mrs. Non-Gorilla

Dear B:TAS commenters. Perhaps you might be interested in my podcast ep where we talk about B:TAS? Just a friendly suggestion.  http://thesethingsmatterpod…

Love for Reality
I am generally skeptical of old rock stars making new albums, but Reality was fantastic. I played that album over and over again, especially "She'll Drive the Big Car" and his George Harrison cover of "Try Some, Buy Some". Plus "Bring Me The Disco King" is such a great smoky long-burning song - I love

Quadrophenia nightmare
"The Who turned both concept albums into movies, and neither is a substitute for just listening to the original album while thumbing through the supremely dorky liner notes."

Mmmm hmmm, Shock and Awe. Not "or what!"…. the other choice. That is one sweet comedian tush.

I find myself ONLY watching the shows with the commentary track on now. Mainly because I pretend I am Kelly Gilronan, Mr Show's #1 fan as portrayed by Paul F. Tompkins, master of disguise.

There's something about Bob yelling that immediately puts me in mind of his suburban Chicago roots. I think there is some sort of Jungian thing going on with amazing yelling skills in Catholics from Chicagoland.

I guess I am misinformed. I thought all emo emerged out of Rivers Cuomo's head like that one chick and Zeus and shit?

Favorite Python???
Mine has to be Michael - he is effortlessly funny. Completely underrated as a performer, such a master of subtly and yet able to be very, very silly… and from all the documentaries I have seen, he was the one the rest of the group respected the most. Plus, he proves that you don't have to be an

Eric and Michael's women in the Mr. Death sketch are disturbingly sexual… it still freaks me out a bit.

Indeed. I wrote my college entrance exam on how Python saved my life and helped me make friends :)

Michael's ineffectual profit kills me every time. Actually, anytime Michael is on screen in LOB kills me every time.

OMG, Purga-potty, Bob and Andy Dick on Comedy Death Ray Radio ep. 16, just gold. When they play Would You Rather and Bob starts falling asleep and dying at the same time.

Oh, Bob…
Never not in love with Bob. First crush was with the "Of Buildings and Women" from the Stiller Show… sealed the deal with the "pretty lady from the city" who sings Mountain Douggie's national anthem on Mr. Show.

Love. Paul. F. Tompkins. He seems to me to be one of the most genuine comics around. He doesn't really have a gimick or a hook, he's just solidly funny. And yes, must concur with all you podcast champions. All his Comedy Death Ray Radio stuff is gold, and you have to hear him on The Best Show on WFMU. he and Tom

This is meant to be funny, right?
Are we sure this whole book was not written with tongue firmly planted in cheek? It reads like it was meant to be sarcastic. Do economists understand comedy? That's the real question.

Indeed, indeed. It is often the only thing that gets me through my day at work. That and CDR Radio and WTF with Marc Maron.

Comedy Albums
I don't think anyone has mentioned this, but what are some of you guys's favorite comedy albums? I have quite a few, but I am generally unaware of the genre.

His Never-Not-Funny and I Love Movies podcasts are some of my absolute favorites. Plus he was all over last years SF sketch festival. Hilarious, all the way 'round.

I've had daydreams of introducing Bill Murray to my dad, and then they're BFF's for realsies! They're both from catholic families in Chicago, both share a weepy place in their hearts for the 1969 Cubs, both are laid back and sarcastic… it would be a beautiful thing.