
I'm only familiar
with some of his 80s-90s work, due to that box set from KINO. He's a great visual stylist, and his movies really do have an Hitchcockian-ly elegant form of suspense. I imagine his earlier, more revered works are even better than the ones I've seen.

The United States, 2010-2015
It's the Second Golden Age of Television!

Perfect analogy.

His head…looks…like a cauliflower.

It's Peter Lorre again.

I fucked Prison Wine.

I'm afraid to say something like "This one's real clever" because it might be a joke, and then I would be the dumb one.

Darkman II: The Return of Durant
and Darkman III: Die Darkman Die! Are they not obscure enough to make the list?

"as promiscuous and incompetent at stable relationships as any of the male characters" = "slut." Sorry. If there were an equivalent term for males I would use it.

I was concealing that plot twist for the benefit of the reader, nilus!

Hey, one of the running gags of the series is that Elaine is a slut, make no mistake.

This review
made me think of something I'd never thought of before in all my years of watching and loving Seinfeld: Why WEREN'T Jerry and Elaine a couple? I mean, I get why they didn't want them to get together within the context of trying to do a funny show (and I'm glad they didn't), but they both get along so well,

"Trilogy"? Is there a third book? Also, gross.

Image of the Beast/Blown
Hey Keith, if you're looking to cover more books for continuing this series (something I would heartily endorse), you should try to track down these two "erotic horror" books Farmer wrote. They are SO fucked up - it's basically Phillip Marlowe meets sex-hungry vampires, werewolves, etc who

I've read several Farmer novels, including the first 2 Riverworld novels. I tried to read the third but it's such a behemoth and relatively uninteresting that I couldn't get through it. But Keith, definitely check out The Fabulous Riverboat, it's a lot of fun.

Whoa, you're from Jamaica? I'm a big fan of LEGEND, have you heard that? It's good.


It'll always be Burma to me!

they should do a plot line in which a cancer-addled cigarette smoker wheels into the Sterling-Cooper-Draper-Pryce offices. "Why didn't you tell me they were dangerous, Don? Why? Why??"

Tom Strong
I hope it isn't too off-topic to say I just read the first 12 collected issues of Tom Strong, and it's some of the best super-hero stuff I've ever read. Lots of fun, and simple without being simplistic. Really good stuff. Anyone else know it?