
Instead of watching this
I watched Wong Kar-Wai's 1995 follow-up to Chungking Express, Fallen Angels.

Larry King really is a pretty funny guy.

"Not to make light of her murder, obviously,"
What is the point of even making the joke if you're going to add a disclaimer like this? Nut up, pussy! Or just not make the joke in the first place.

You are fucking gorgeous.

Bowie the producer
Why so little mention of his work as a producer with Iggy Pop, The Stooges, and Lou Reed? I love all that stuff.

Le Samourai.

I did not get "shrill" from Margaret's suffrage speech. I thought the whole point of that was that she actually has a brain, unlike Lucy.

What if her boyfriend also has access to the Bayifier?

Why the FUCK isn't THE RETURN OF DR. X in the collection??

Only 35 comments!? And some of them are referencing the Bowie parodies on Venture Bros and Flight of the Conchords? Sigh.


In what universe is Marl Stanfield "awful"? Except, you know, morally.

The whole -"Psycho appears to be about Janet Leigh then BOOM!" notion does have some chinks in it, but I don't think it's inaccurate to say that people were shocked by Psycho when it came out and for years afterward.

I always get that confused with "The Whipmaster." Acid was Mel Gibson, right? It really was a big loss when Comedy Central stopped broadcasting SNL reruns.

I prefer Jaydiohead to The Grey Album. Weird because I like The Beatles more than I like Radiohead.

Uncle Ray?
His Uncle Ray got shot, right? Still haven't figured out who "DeHaven" is. Maybe I should read his book.


You compare him to Sellers in the piece, and I think most people agree that Peter Sellers is great. Maybe someone will make the argument though that A: Peter Sellers WAS a personal artist, or B: Peter Sellers actually isn't great. Not me, though.

"You don't find people like that in real life."
"You have."

"It has a very sci-fi kinda vibe to it"