
"black & white tends to hurt my eyes in this age of HD"

Didn't sitcoms switch to videotape some time in the 70s?

I got to see Carlin live
not more than a year before he died. I had read beforehand that he was sick or frail, so I was kind of concerned that I wouldn't enjoy the show for this reason. He opened with "I just want to start with this - fuck Lance Armstrong." The crowd LOST IT and I don't think I went a minute without

and this is a fantastic article. Nice work, Noel.

Is The Andy Griffith Show popular outside of the South? My old roommate from Massachusetts continually confounds me by failing to get my allusions to the show, and I'm far from a devotee (I like it a lot, but I don't have the encyclopedic knowledge of the show that my dad, for instance, has).

I was a big fan of I Dream of Jeannie as a kid.

Spider-Man isn't a white guy, he's just drawn that way.

That straw wrapper trick
is actually called a "Tijuana Paper Snake." Don't try and confirm this info - I made it up.

The Osterman Weekend
I've always thought Dennis Hopper is the best part of that movie. He's hilarious as a guy who's just being eaten away by nervous tension. The rest of the movie is OK too (if you're being generous).

I always thought of that Beatles reference as a quasi-sly joke about the fact that Bond is an adult from England, and thus isn't as swept up in Beatlemania as the kids in America (who would also be watching Goldfinger) are. I never saw it as being a genuine slam against The Beatles, unlike, say, Dean

Throne of Blood isn't a "straight" Shakespeare adaptation, so I don't imagine it's included in Kyle's declaration of Polanski's as his favorite. I haven't seen it, though (Polanski's, not Kurosawa's. I love Throne of Blood).

I tweeted my phone number once.
No one called.

It's not a black thing,
it's not a white thing, it's a death thing.

Because it was already out on DVD (as part of an excellent John Wayne/John Ford collection that I highly recommend) in a decent-to-good package. I love Criterion, but fuck, there are plenty of movies that ARE on DVD but in really low-quality packages that could stand to be on the label, not to mention the movies that

I have the Warner Special Edition
How does the image quality compare, does anyone know?

The TV Club write-ups seem to be written under the assumption that Boyd is a huckster, and furthermore that his conversion to Christianity is 100 percent bullshit. Not saying this isn't the case, but isn't there at least a little ambiguity about this up to this point?

Because literally everyone cares
I think my favorite track on Exile is either "Ventilator Blues" or "Shine A Light." I really like their version of "Shake Your Hips" too - very sinister-sounding.

"And when they referred to something I'd never heard of, I didn't laugh."
What!? I'm a big Mystery Science Theater fan (particularly the Mike stuff, although I'm trying to catch up with the Joel/Comedy Central Mike episodes that I was too young to see when they were on), and one of my absolute favorite aspects of the

That was almost as good as this. And am I misremembering or did "Sunshine" have a deeper/more masculine voice in the Funny or Die Presents sketch?

The BBQ place down the street was out of potato salad, so instead I ordered…