
I did not know that about Pearl Harbor (I'd always read Apocalypse Now was the last). What was the thinking behind using that process for Pearl Harbor? Was Michael Bay trying to be highbrow or something?

The real story here
is that one of George's girlfriends on Seinfeld went on to do porn (albeit of the softcore variety). Was she the only one to do that??

Greatest Newswire ever?

I have a massive DVD collection that I started when I was 16. In the past few months I've started to feel really torn about it, mostly because of the fact that I'm in credit card debt mostly because of it, and it's so easy to see movies through other channels. That said, there are movies that I would never see

HankWalt is Breaking Bad's homage to The Composite Superman.

Holy shit is Gus Fring Buggin' Out??

Wow, improper use of "albeit." Don't bother screaming at me, word people, I'm already crying.

Yeah, the music selection on Breaking Bad is fantastic, albeit I'm usually not familiar with any of the choices until after the fact. The one quasi-exception to this is when I recognized Bret McKenzie of Flight of the Conchords' voice in the song from his other band that they used once.

So was it actually FRING who warned Hank that the cousins were coming? Was this his plan all along? Apologies in advance if this has already been discussed.

It was a great sequence, but it was pretty obviously CGI to me — the effect wasn't as strong as in, say, (SORRY SORRY SORRY) Forrest Gump. At least not to my shitty eyes.

Robert Mitchum starred in a more faithful version of The Big Sleep in the 70s, with tits and everything.

I've been meaning to watch All Through The Night again. Remember the scene with Peter Lorre and the popcorn? Goddamn I love Peter Lorre.

Nice companion piece to Treasure of the Sierra Madre, what with both characters being dangerously paranoid and all.

Damn it
How did I miss this?

In 1971
Bill Grates invented Michaelsoft.

I wonder if this version has the tongue-through-the-phone gag. Probably not, right?

I was honestly unaware
that "emo" was a musical genre. Am I the only one?

Thanks everybody. I changed my mind though, I hate Gorillaz now.

I love Magic 8-Balls
Just from a visual standpoint. All black and shiny and spherical…good shit.

Ellie: You…you look good. How have you been? I HAD Demon Days reserved at my library but some fucker didn't return it. Can you believe that? I was pissed. Worst thing that happened to me all week (so far).