
What's the deal with Gorillaz?
Is there a good (or bad) place to start with them?

Great essay
It really nails the dual nature of this movie - so interesting and cool, but also so hopelessly…well, square.

Unnecessary, but I'm doing it anyway:

Imagine of Sting had died after Synchronicity.

Great album
I think my favorite track is "I Need Somebody," followed by "Penetration."

Bieber's "Tina" ad-lib (?)
Surprised not to see any reference to Justin Bieber replacing some pronoun or another in one of this songs with the "Tina." Was that an ad-lib, you think? It seems exactly like the kind of decision a teenager would make.

"I'm gonna need you to get out of the car, sir."
"And I'm gonna need you to kiss my taint."

Do superheroes count?
My parents were/are total lame-o squares, so I was exposed to very little as a kid that I still have much affection for today. The chief exception I suppose would be superheroes, which even though I've broadened my horizons considerably still make up a good chunk of my brainspace. That, and how

Well, I have been to Alabama
several times, as I have many relatives there. And I know that Alabamians are in fact guilty of saying many of the most heinous things I have ever personally heard anyone say. I've never really had a conversation with an Australian, though.

It's been downhill with her ever since they started adding kids to appeal to younger viewers.

Sorry for calling American Idol "shit TV," you guys. I thought even people who watched it agreed on that point (seriously).

Instead of watching this
I watched Akira Kurosawa's sweltering summer noir Stray Dog. Sure, it's not a masterpiece by Kurosawa standards maybe, but at least it isn't shit TV!

I'm more impressed by it than haunted. The scene with him crawling through the rain with a knife in his teeth, on the other hand…

Hmm: Wow, it's been a while since I've read a crack like that on here, since I barely post anymore. Anyway, I just recently graduated college in December and haven't gotten a job other than some freelance writing stuff on the internet which as you can imagine doesn't pay a living wage.

Hey, I have an idea.
Let's all post the year we were born. I bet there are commenters on here who were born as late as 1995.

Zero poop jokes in Back to the Future? Are you joking?

Would you fuck Badger?

Instead of watching this
I watched Akira Kurosawa's 1963 10/10 A++ classic High and Low, one of the best thrillers — nay, best MOVIES, I have ever seen. High recommend.

Jackie Chan?