
U-Turn is pretty good.


"I'm a really good director."
Whoa, easy with the false modesty there, Bob!

I saw this movie in the theater
and I remember it made me very sad for some reason. I can't remember why, though. Does Goofy die? Do they kill Goofy?

Hey Shredder douche the song Hey Leonardo IS mentioned in the article. Fuck off!

She Didn't Like Me for Me
I think this will make a good story for this column, since it's all about giving disposable bullshit a second look.

Can someone please explain my erection to me?


I was in a survey to lit class in college and we were reading The Bluest Eye or some shit. And the professor was talking about ethnocentric standards of beauty and everything, and I raised my hand and went "Six Mix-a-Lot touched on this topic" and everybody laughed.

Why would Cameron want Titanic to upset Avatar, though?

"This is my assistant Igor. He's a deaf mute."

"These people are so moronic I don't want to help any of them."
This was like one degree away from seeming like a scene on Curb Your Enthusiasm.

I just got back from a Chinese-Russian movie
it was OK, but it's been 2 hours and I'm already hungry for power.

Guys, guys: Vibrating wheelchairs.

Yeah I think it's VERY underrated. Maybe it's because I'm not familiar with the play.

Instead of watching this
i watched Billy Wilder's caustic masterpiece Ace in the Hole.

I certainly hope so.

Instead of watching this
I watched Akira Kurosawa's 1957 Macbeth adaptation Throne of Blood. Good shit, good shit.

Roller derby is fake.