
Instead of watching this
I listened to David Bowie's "plastic soul" masterpiece Young Americans, featuring a title track this NOT almost ruined by a saxophone, you bastards.

Oh, what I'd give for that to be true, Towelie.

I'd mail her a DVD of Danish dwarf porn.

Loving this show
I'm so glad to see this get some props from the AV Club. I've been watching it every week all but stunned at how damn good it really is. You're spot-on about the finale as well, Noel. When the last act came and the guys were hanging out finally I realized what it was the episode had been missing. I'm

Sweet lord that one's depressing.

Don Turnbee, y'all.

Women almost immediately losing interest in me after I express interest in them is SO HOT.

All I know is I love banging chicks!

I love ya, Lobsters.

The Apartment is the best thing ever in general.

Humans aren't designed to be happy.

Why are all the good ones either married or gay, am I right?

Instead of watching this
I watched Steven Soderbergh's Schizopolis. I have no idea what to say about it.

I find it odd that you hate McDonald's yet you give it a term-of-endearment nickname like "McD's."

I love that it's written by "Lorne Michaels."

Twenty? Are you fucking retarded? Most twenty year olds don't even know how to pour a bowl of cereal. They know nothing of heartache, of regret, of loss. Twenty-somethings don't know what it feels like to lose everything in this world and still have the courage to howl at the moon about it. Twenty?? TWENTY!? I demand

I just read every word of this argument (I didn't skip over ANY of it, even though it's really long) and I agree with Ellie. She's right, and the people who I presume are expressing disagreement with her in some way are wrong.

You may be right. But my reasoning is that most people getting into Keaton (and silent comedy in general) are looking for laughs as opposed to gasps, and College has more laughs than any of his other movies, in my estimation. It's a masterpiece of comic construction - watch an "expert" perform a task, then watch

I thought he broke his neck on The General during the water tower sequence?

Harold Lloyd is great, but Buster transcends him into the realm of idolatry. I would never find myself emulating Harold Lloyd in real life.