
Macgruber is actually funny. I know nothing about the other thing.

Dunno, are you still a jackass? BOOM

Instead of watching this
I watched Werner Herzog's 1977 film Stroszek, without killing myself. The dancing chicken will not stop.

Melissa: Oh come on, are you kidding? Mine was a reference to that same article!

Melissa: Look to your left. Now look to your right. Did you see any hammy, olde-time theatrical acting? Didn't think so.

It's interesting that Mike chose Metropolis to talk about the "silent movie as homework" paradigm because it's one of the few silent movies that DIDN'T feel this way to me the first time I saw it - come to think of it though, I've only seen this movie once. I guess I've been waiting for the "restored" version to

Is this true? If so, that is outrageous.

I love love love Nabin but that point of the article is a sticking point for me as well. Does Conan have angst?

Yummsh: I caught some of those. You were a little more confrontational than I am, but I guess that's to be expected. Nice work.

Instead of watching this
I watched Werner Herzog's science-fiction documentary Lessons of Darkness. It reflected my shitty mood perfectly!

You should watch In Harm's Way again. There's a rape scene.

I watched the theatrical cut as it appeared on HBO. I've seen that cut twice now, and I watched the "extended version" over the summer. I think the theatrical cut is the leaner, better movie.

Instead of watching this
I watched Zack Snyder's 2009 adaptation of Alan Moore's classic comic Watchmen. Eh, it's alright. I like the part when Rorschach says "Your turn doctor - WHAT DO YOU SEE?"

I guess I misunderstood what that book is. I thought it was simply a reprint of the "Inferno" portion of The Divine Comedy being billed as a "novelization."

Knowing nothing about the video game and very little about The Divine Comedy (I tried to read it in high school - I should try again), I'd say that actually looks kind of cool.

Wolfgang Puck Knives:
Now with blood channels and "no-hesitation" easy grip handles!

I just thought of a real one.
Have you guys heard the story about how I drove like an hour to see Nabin's book reading? And it was the wrong day? And I thought at first that no one had shown up? And then I ran into this friend of mine from high school who wanted me to go to some lecture that I didn't go to? And then I

You know, come to think of it, I haven't seen any of the Die Hard sequels. I must be thinking of The Kid.

One time,
I left my house to see a movie. It was one of the Die Hard sequels, I think. Anyway it had Bruce Willis in it.

Jorge: God bless you, sir. That's brilliant.