
Have they cast The Vulture yet?
Larry fuckin David would be perfect!

Who cares, though?
There's no shortage of interesting movies for people who give a shit to watch. I'm actually kind of surprised Hollywood would want to risk having more people see through their "newer is BETTER!" bullshit. "Hey, this movie came out a year ago and it was still entertaining," or "it's been a month

I think you've gone beyond being just a "fan."

Such a weird image. He's fully-clothed and standing in knee-deep water. What the hell is that?

I don't want to say anything premature - but our next review might (emphasis on "might") involve Kirk Cameron and boat porn…

And on the blog front,
I was going to restrain myself from mentioning this here, but restraint is for pussies. ZODIAC MOTHERFUCKER and I have begun an exciting joint venture - here it is:

Gallagher wanted to be Forrest Gump.

I thought it was "asshole."

OK, but I still think you're talking about differences of quantity rather than quality.

But now
we'll never find out if racist puppet Larry ends up with racist puppet Cheryl!

Yep. I went to a reading he did at Florida Southern.

So you're saying most of the people who saw THERE WILL BE BLOOD saw it to receive a lesson on how to live their lives? I think that's equally doubtful.

Isn't that just a difference of degree, though? Seeing someone get torn to pieces vs. seeing someone's LIFE get metaphorically torn to pieces? Isn't it all the same basic impulse when you boil it down? The essence of why fiction is appealing, in other words?

You got me, BOYS, you fucking got me. I guess I have to buy something now, right?

It's not that the audience consciously sides with the villains, it's that in going to the movies in order to see violence and mayhem dished out (even if it eventually results in the bad guys "getting theirs"), we implicitly side with the forces of evil and mayhem, or the bad guys. I really like Funny Games (although I

I picked up something called THE SINFUL DWARF at the video store the other day.

Yojimbo is as breezily entertaining as movies get, so why not start with that? I guarantee you'll want to see more.

I need to spend more time on the internet.
In 2009, I:

If you've got an issue, here's a Haneke.
Only seen 2 of his movies but I'm a big fan. I hope THE WHITE RIBBON will show up near me at some point, but it probably won't.

If he didn't want to be remembered for smashing melons, then why the fuck did he smash melons?