
He invented the giant couch. Now you see giant couches all over the place.

WRONG. It's really intelligent and insightful commentary about smashing fruit with a hammer.

I'm skeptical about that LICENSED TO KILL story. Isn't "revoked" a pretty common word here in the US relating to driver's licenses?

What are Christian shops?

Codpiece! Codpiece!

For sad IMDb pages, look to anyone who ever appeared in an Ed Wood movie who isn't named Bela Lugosi.

To be fair, 9/11 was pretty hilarious.

Readings that no one shows up to.
In an incident that went unreported on these pages (thanks to Twitter), back in November I showed up to a Nathan Rabin reading a day before it was actually happening. My first thought upon arriving at the location was "oh fuck, no one came to Nabin's reading, he'll be crushed!"

Emperor Jim: How's that Price is Right hosting gig treating you?

The end of AVATAR makes zero sense. Wouldn't the humans just come back to Pandora, this time with more and bigger weapons?

One of the things I don't like about the movie is how little the titular concept of the avatar was explored in any way. It was just another macguffin really, like unobtainium or the robot suits. Unfortunate.

I piss on your shit!

I think you can see Godard's influence in little things like jump cuts or like teadoust says just a general reflexive style that you get in stuff like Pulp Fiction. But I guess there's more to Godard than just these superficial stylistic markers.

I am not a professional critic like Mr. D'Angelo so I don't know if I'm equipped to say why they're dry except to say they just struck me that way. His 60s stuff that I've seen all have a snap, a vibrancy, and a joy that just isn't there in the later stuff (to me).

I tried to watch some of his later stuff (DETECTIVE and CARMEN, I think) and I just couldn't get through them. I love the 60s stuff I've seen and judging from the clip shown here I'd love this just like I love Alphaville, Contempt, or Pierrot Le Fou but once you get into the dry stuff he loses me.

Was Land of the Lost this year?
If it was, it should be on the list. That fucking piece of shit.

Reading this anecdote makes my physically sick to my stomach.

FYE is awesome if you buy used. I've gotten a lot of Criterions from them cheaper than anywhere else.

Oh shit you saw it?? Was it on my recommendation? Why didn't you email me or anything?

Knives of the Avenger is dull.
Not a good movie. RABID DOGS - now THAT is a good movie!