

I started going to Barnes and Noble to read the comics this summer. I usually buy a drink and sit in the coffee shop unless there's a comfy chair available in which case I'll read there. I never sit on the floor and I almost always buy a drink at least.

I like dogs.

Vaudeville has a long and storied history of on-stage stabbings, played for laughs. Take "Stabs" Macentire, whose entire stage repertoire was based on brutally murdering his costars with knives.

Jeff Daniels.

"Gooks" Nero was an infamous Chicago mobster in the 60s and 70s. His nickname was due to his uncanny resemblance to several Vietnamese guerrilla fighters.

I'll be the mature one here and admit that if I heard about that happening in real life I would think it was hilarious.

I bet it's the ONLY zombie biker film starring George Sanders ever made!

I am so high right now.

I like cream soda
I also like root beer, orange soda, orange creme soda, and 7-Up. But my favorite drink of all is grape soda!

George. Carlin.

I'd send a letter straight to the Disney animation dept. regarding who of their characters you're rubbing ones out to.

Gary Busey got employee of the month on the set of Point Break.

This is the greatest story I've ever heard.

"Finally, my [list] is complete."
You guys should have found a spot for Sweeney Todd…

I've seen 24 of them.
I'm a little shocked at the absence of Haneke, and Assassination of Jesse James, and Gerry instead of Elephant, and The motherfucking Prestige (which I like but come on).

Ooooh! I formally retract my retraction, now that I understand the joke fully.

Yeah. I formally retracted my laughter at the first part when I read the second.

Longest non-joke-or-troll comment thread ever? Anyway, my opinion on Shamyalan is that the man can direct - he just can't write for shit.

I went indoor skydiving in Gatlinburg when I was a kid. It was fun. I also went to this cheesy motion/3D movie theater.