
Fuck this
I'd rather re-buy Blu-ray discs a couple years down the road than own flippers. I fucking hate two-sided discs.

It's fun watching early Curbs
when she was more of a pure voice of reason to Larry before she turned into this shrill unlikeable harpy somewhere in the middle of the season with the Blacks. But if Curb comes back it looks like she'll be back in the former role - I'm glad, she has fantastic chemistry with Larry.

So Gatlinburg was once cool?

I don't remember that being one of the better episodes, but I was like 14 when I last saw it.

I like dogs.

Go balls deep, Pop!

Who would have made a kick-ass Joker.

Fucking see it.

Could someone (preferably zodiac) refresh me on who "the guy who wants coffee" in A History of Violence is? I've only seen the movie once and I have no recollection of that.

Amen on Affleck. He's so good in that movie that I've had trouble seeing him as other characters in other movies (not for long though). He's gonna be awesome in The Killer Inside Me.

Jerry Lewis?

It's "your money OR you life"
not "your money of your life."

Is Paul the one that started calling into radio stations recently?

There's already one sweet WB Eastwood set - The Ultimate Dirty Harry Collection. I hope WB does the decent thing and splits this into smaller subsets.

If I see you around there again it's gonna get real fuckin' ugly.

Remember when they went on Full House?
Also, the only Beach Boys album I have is Pet Sounds. Where am I supposed to go from there?


I hope she made sure it wasn't being thrown first.

I love those Twilight Zone marathons. But, a word to the wise: If it's an hour long episode, skip it.

If they don't use that last sentence in the ads they're fools.