
Most of the books I read are from the previous century.
But I have read The Road.

I love the part in My Best Fiend when Kinski is just fucking ranting at everyone including Herzog. I mean he's just going off on fucking everybody. It's as great as it sounds.

Kinski is the creepiest Dracula I've seen in a movie.

I would describe it as "Apocalypse Now but not as cool" but I can see where one could disagree. They're close, anyway.

I think Mr. Herzog
is suffering from a fundamental error about how the human visual system works. Look around you - do you see any dancing souls? You probably don't see any souls at all! I know I don't.

I have kids, too! We all have kids!

But I love enturbulating myself!

He likes guys to eat his asshole.

Man, people can get offended by anything.

Then there's death of a Pornking, which is different.

Your analogy doesn't work, unless the trailer containing the titular character beating up bad guys is somehow misleading in that respect.

They've never made a shitty film? Didn't they make the two Matrix sequels?

The best part
is the gasp of horror from the onlookers.

Are you talking about Mighty Mightor? Because he could defeat an entire army of astronauts.

Look on the bright side: You'll never in your whole life do anything more demeaning than that.

The alcoholic subculture is fascinating.

You're the cont!

I usually like good movies but the commercials for Funny People came close to making me physically ill. I don't know why. I hate the title too.

I think we all know how to summon Tinky.

I got to meet Nathan Rabin on Friday, so I've done my part for the good of humanity.