
Lot of stuff to catch up on here
but I'd like to designate this space as the thread for people to gush about how fucking good Y: The Last Man is.

Topaz is OK, but it's not in the same class as Rope. I think Rope is one of his top tier classics. The only Hitchcocks I've really disliked are Torn Curtain (on first viewing; I've come around on it since), Mr. and Mrs. Smith (because it's not Hitchcockian AT ALL) and The Lady Vanishes (I don't know why. I should give

Maybe Zodiac is actually Two-Face.

I'm a little disturbed by how well the me-as-Joker-and-ZMF-as-Batman analogy fits.

I knew someone would go there.

If ZODIAC MOTHERFUCKER doesn't take off his mask by 6 pm,
People will die.

A touch of positivity
The reason I like long takes is the sense of energy they can have when done well. Does anyone have any overlooked (or not overlooked) favorites? Some of mine:

I like Rope, and I like long takes, and I like Children of Men.

"You suck, I'm gonna cut you!"

Larry can't play George, but Jason can't play Larry.

Oh my god.
This is a depressing review, whether I end up agreeing with it or not.

Not a gamer,
but how close was Metroid Prime to making the list? It is the Citizen Kane of videogames, after all.

I know everyone hates Cheryl but I've always liked the chemistry between her and Larry. She's the best sounding board the show's ever given Larry, so if the show does come back I'm glad he'll have Cheryl to bitch and complain to again.

I heard "Nocon!"
Also, great episode, and a fitting series finale if that's what this turns out to be.

I had to go back and watch the bit again, but he said something about keeping an office dog with a ridiculous name around, or something. Frank's was funnier.,

It's a difference of 4 dollars, and you got free shipping. I see no cause for anger.

Jeez, what an asshole.

Hey wait a minute!

This is like that one Fantastic Four comic where Ben Grimm goes back in time and becomes Blackbeard.

Great news for me
because I can keep my streak of never having seen Oprah's show going indefinitely. What do I win?