Sneeze Guardian

@avclub-6e716efd1ac524bbccbb5b57ee0e452a:disqus Ice Cube's accountant liked First Sunday more than anyone who actually watched it.

If it worked for Zach Braff, it could work for…just about anyone, really.

The two of them together are the nexus of all the "who gives a fuck?" storylines.

Didn't Bonnie punch him for his tirade?  I remember reading that somewhere.

Did y'all meet… at the playground?

That'll cost ya. NeNe Leakes has the copyright.

Isaiah Washington is perfect as the sniper.  Everyone already hates him, so he's believable from jump.

And don't it feel good.

@avclub-bbc1daaec341f361548af17b7a6f70d5:disqus (Blank-faced) I don't get it.

Graham Nash actually died in '65, sorry to break it to you man.  OD'd in Vietnam.  If you play "Southern Cross" backwards, it actually tells the whole story.

So call me maybe.

Nile Rodgers really needs to get more props as a producer and musician. Good on Daft Punk for using him in that vastly overplayed song.

How about a "Young Rambo" series a la Indiana Jones?

@avclub-62812d8eb06386505986efff8b5e43ac:disqus Revved up like a deuce, aka a hot rod.

Same guy playing bass in Pete Townshend's "Let My Love Open The Door" video.

Steve Earle.  That is all.

Why would they alienate the rest of the ACC like that?

Are you saying "Hot in the City" ISN'T a midtempo bore?

Golden retriever fights to the death.

Whatever could have engendered that negativity? I'm at a loss, because I don't have eyes or a functioning brain.