Rich Tanguy


@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus That sounds awful and where can I see it?

We have a couches at our office, as well as a ping pong table and Golden Tee … all of which mainly function as ornamentation / giant occupational mousetraps which you'd probably get fired for actually using.

All I want out of life is a 30 share and a 20 rating!

"…a very gentle spoiler about where their relationship is these days"

Fast, Loose & Out of Control is Morris's porn industry exposé.

This film sounds a little like the early rounds of American Idol.  A few legitimate talents mixed in with some eccentrics, wherein the entertainment comes from watching the eccentrics sincerely make a case for themselves, only to inevitably crash and burn.

I'll bite. I'd venture I Stand Alone is better than anything Korine has ever made.  Thus concludes my halfhearted disagreement.

Who is, Noe or von Trier?

Just like CBS's rumored Letterman replacement, Frank Oz.

As Bergman's Beauties go, no one beats Liv Ullman in her prime. Thulin had more traditional good looks; the big eyes and the high cheekbones. But to me there's always been something more accessible about Ullman. Most likely a combination of the fragility of the characters she played and her fairer looks.

So … you admit you grabbed her can.

We can but we won't!

Bah! Geography is so convoluted. How I long for the halcyon days of Pangea…

Iran is just the plural form of Iraq, correct?

Fake colostomy bag will have the same effect.

In the alternate ending to The Sopranos Tony is murdered by restless leg syndrome.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus That is quite the coincidence. There was a 70mm festival in Chicago the last couple weekends. I managed to see The Master as well, but they were also screening Vertigo, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and even Lifeforce, to name a few others.

I wasn't aware Friedkin was a repeat offender. I watched Bug with his commentary track a few weeks back and I thought I was going insane. It was like film for the visually impaired. "In this scene the telephone rings and Peter answers it… Agnes watches warily from across the room. Peter hangs up the phone. Peter paces

I saw Playtime over the weekend in 70mm at the Music Box in Chicago and it was one of the best film experiences of my life.  I always knew it was a beautiful film, but seeing it with an audience reminded me of how insanely fun it was.  The humor is so simple and universal; it resonates with children and adults alike