Rich Tanguy

A+ thread.

D'Angelo hates tracking shots?

Oh man, I haven't checked in on the AVClub yet today, I wonder what hard-fought cultural discussions are being waged in the comments. [Scrolls down…]

There once was a girl from Nantucket
Who vomited into a bucket
She said with a grin, as she wiped off her chin,
"Your mother sucks cocks in Hell!"
"If your mom were this cross, I would fuck it!"

And 500,000 of those subscriptions were sold via suburban grade school magazine drives, guaranteeing they'll never actually be read. But, ohhhhh the weepuls.

Day 658 of my StreetWise boycott, tensions are rising between me and the homeless…

At first I thought it said "Stop resisting arrest! I need backup! You have the right to remain silent!" Then I put on my glasses and realized I wasn't on the AV Club at all, I was getting arrested, AGAIN!

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus Secondary head count indicates we lost one. B-

Blue Jasmine - directed by Woody Allen
By Rich Tanguy, July 25, 2013

"Ssssssomebody stop me!" [reaches for gun]

Happens to me all the time. There's always that awkward moment where people think you're choking or weeping, depending on how the laugh snuck out. "Nothing to see here folks! Just another day as a model employee!" *haphazardly slaps hands at keyboard*

When I go into a Chipotle, there's only one voice I want to hear: The manager, directing me to the nearest toilet.

A-A-R-Y-A-N, with two A's as he says for a "Double Dose" of his racism.*

This thread is nearing the event horizon of stupidity.

Science teams up with BuzzFeed, reports:  129K dead, 250K missing, and 17 famous dead or missing animals


Keep hope alive!

I believe it's called "pediatrics."

Get Lunch —-> Drop It

"The idea is to finish the album, then drop it"