
I generally find Bamford very attractive, but tonight, she looked exactly like Garth from Wayne's World.

I generally find Bamford very attractive, but tonight, she looked exactly like Garth from Wayne's World.

I generally find Bamford very attractive, but tonight, she looked exactly like Garth from Wayne's World.

Doesn't sound like you're jamming econo, bro.

Doesn't sound like you're jamming econo, bro.

Holy shit!  I hold the exact same opinion!

Holy shit!  I hold the exact same opinion!

I can get behind this explanation.

I can get behind this explanation.

2) Agreed.  Just finished season 5 of Mad Men and had always thought she looked familiar while watching Girls, but couldn't place her, but seeing her character reappear on Mad Men, I realized how wonderful an actress she was, considering the two roles were so distinct, but she nailed them so well.

2) Agreed.  Just finished season 5 of Mad Men and had always thought she looked familiar while watching Girls, but couldn't place her, but seeing her character reappear on Mad Men, I realized how wonderful an actress she was, considering the two roles were so distinct, but she nailed them so well.

That seems to be par for the course so far.

That seems to be par for the course so far.

Well, yeah, everybody that's ever been under the influence has been influenced by the Replacements.

Well, yeah, everybody that's ever been under the influence has been influenced by the Replacements.

Isn't that sort of the joke though?  Like in Parks & Rec, the general public is just so stupid that the viral videos are extremely tasteless and crass to reflect the average intelligence of the public.

Isn't that sort of the joke though?  Like in Parks & Rec, the general public is just so stupid that the viral videos are extremely tasteless and crass to reflect the average intelligence of the public.

Isn't the reassigning of the Secret Service Agent also pulled from The Thick of It?  Doesn't Hugh get his driver reassigned cause he doesn't like how he smiles?

Isn't the reassigning of the Secret Service Agent also pulled from The Thick of It?  Doesn't Hugh get his driver reassigned cause he doesn't like how he smiles?

That seems like a pretty limiting assumption.  Until comedians get their own show or role on a big show I think it's safe to assume the vast majority of the public has no idea who they are or what their brand of humor is.  Also, this is the first episode and they're going into a black white supremacist skit.  If you