
I grew up in an area with KFC, but no Popeye's, and after moving and being exposed to Popeye's, I get queasy just thinking about KFC.

I'm absolutely certain that was 100% intentional

I don't think Adam Sandler hold casting calls for males. I think he just scrolls thru his phone and asks if any of his buddies wants the part.

Is it inherently a good thing? There's something very impressive about an album that is full of intelligent, meaningful, and catchy-as-hell
Which isn't to say that this album isn't impressive as well. GKMC and TPAB are two sides facets of an incredibly complex and incredible artist. I don't think it's fair to

I absolutely adored MK. It felt like a more whimsical Badlands, which I guess is to say it is pretty low stakes, but with Badlands you get caught up in the beauty and wonder of the shots and its undercut by the esclalating stakes and awful actions of Kit and Holly. Sam and Sally are just as broken as Kit and Holly,

I wouldn't expect someone who makes money off of people betting to explain how he comes up with lines that make betting more attractive…

I see 3 other names listed there plus "a couple other acts" so it seems your reductionist math is a little off.

What makes you say that? December 1, 2004 p4k gave Catch the Breeze, a Slowdive compilation, a 9.5. So a decade ago, they were lauding them.

the record label is called "Anti-"

During the Summer months of high school, I used to work the closing shift at a Burger King a few miles down a desolate stretch of highway. I'd close up and get out around 1-2 and smoke a little before getting in my car and putting on Spiderland before the drive home. The weed and music mixed and fused together to

The name is decidedly awful, but it's got Nahnatchka Khan plus Nat Faxton & Jim Rash on board which is a pretty intriguing pedigree.

That's the entire crux of it though. It's satirizing how completely banal the exercise of taking this cultural phenomenon and trying to contexutalize to "modern life" by simply adding a couple of trendy buzzwords. For me, it just cuts to the core of lazy comedy and exposes it, but also somehow manages to be

Maybe I'm being pedantic here, but that's dramatic irony and there are many forms of irony. Ultimately, irony is used to describe a situation where the end result is markedly different from what you might expect.

Tim Kasher has said a lot of stupid stuff and the few times I've seen him/Cursive he's been a drunken mess, but he gets a free pass for life from me for Domestica alone.

The first three tracks on Analpha… are probably the best. "Little League" is one of my favorite tracks of all-time. The "I'm feeling heavy" part still gets me everytime even though I've listened to it countless times. And idk if you're listening for lyrics but Kinsella's playful JFK/FDR-isms have always been the

I keep hearing about how "bloated" and long this album is, but jammed it all weekend and each listen was a breeze. It wasn't until my morning commute on Monday when I was only able to get through the first disc before reaching work that I recognized how long it truly was.

That ain't Kanye
That's Montana; a loose canon

"I don't want you to have, like, a watery shit"

She's 14 bruh bruh

Nic Cage is not a terrible actor.  He is terrible at choosing roles.  David Lynch, the Coen Brothers, Charlie Kaufman, Spike Jonze, Werner Herzog, etc. etc. don't choose to work with you if you're a terrible actor.