
It's the healing power of puzzles.

Looks more like Prune Face.

Over here, Funky!

I haven't read the books so I have no idea what Azor Azhai is but I'm pretty sure it's Hot Pie.

At one point I think it was going to star Paul Dano, and it can be as stupid as you want but damn it I'll see anything with that creepy asshole in.

Stupid things are annoying enough when they happen of their own accord. Please don't encourage them.

Look at all those yuppies, drowning their infant brothers and getting addicted to crack. Such white people problems!



You're god damn right.

Since when does Fat Albert get hashtags?

It's the thrill of the fight.

Community is a pretty bad example, given how opinion of the show round here has dropped pretty massively since season four (and even the second half of season three).

I just started watching this show because of Karen Gillan (although the rest of the cast, especially Rob Riggle last week, seem great) so I was just happy for her to get more screen time this episode really.

^unused Fountains Of Wayne lyrics.

I don't think my heart can take another letdown this summer movie season.

The Muppets was incredible.

Look at all those chiselled abs and dumbass haircuts.
Did HBO buy True Blood from The CW or something?

I have no idea what you're referencing but this just made me imagine Larry David re-enacting the mirror scene from 25th Hour and now I want to see that more than anything ever.

Really? How did I get The Darkest Hour from that?
Huh, well I guess my faith in what writers can do to a project has been shaken ever since I heard that David Benioff wrote X-Men Origins: Wolverine.