
The entire Judy King plotline this season has been really silly and definitely the worst part up until this point. I'm still fully on-board and enjoying everything, but at this point with plots like this and the stuff with Red I'm beginning to notice the cracks in both the credibility and the pacing of the story.

I think so far I'm quite a bit more enamoured with this season than the reviewer. I don't know, I think I'm actually a fan of the tonal dissonance between the comedy and the drama. It adds an extra layer to the riot as it's perceived by the prisoners as compared to how it's perceived by the captives. I feel like it's

If it's any consolation I hate Russell T. Davies even more than I hate Steven Moffat. I like Doctor Who because there's some fantastic episodes but they're the ones with the least clammy fingerprints of the showrunners.

Ooooh I just got slammed in an AV Club article! I feel a glowing sense of pride and a throbbing erection.

The only thing that really bugs me about youtube vloggers (apart from all the sexual abuse allegations and the reaction to it, obviously) is how fucking loud and obnoxious so many of them are. I would definitely at least try to watch any vlogger that doesn't do any of the following three things:

Not really, but then again no-one's saying those people aren't dicks as well. It's not a phenomenon that's exclusive to teenage fandoms, but it is particularly prevalent amongst them.

I read it as Scott Aukerman.

The trailer pointing out how this is just a direct ripoff of The Big Chill is a spectacularly whiffed hail mary play. It doesn't help that it's already been done way too many times in every indie film that isn't gritty enough to be about abusive families.

Noah Taylor and Burn Gorman gone from the show in the same episode? It's a sad day for funny looking but crazy talented British character actors.

"Well look who came crawling Orange Is The New back…" -A coked-out network executive, probably.

Silicon Valley! Phleventy-Five Seasons and a Movie!

Classic Poe's Law.

So what you're saying is you're an aggressive alcoholic?



I feel like I should make a comment that has more value than "I love Karen Gillan so much and I just love looking at her face." but I really don't want to.

To be fair, he did retract the bit about his c*nt f*cking kids.

She’s a half-human, half-vampire Dhampir—a guardian novice sworn to prote….zzzzz…..

That's Lee Daniels' The Butler to you.

Frank happens? What is that even supposed to mean?