
I know everyone wants Guillermo Del Toro to make good movies, but I lost faith in this the moment I found out it was written by the men behind The Darkest Hour and the Clash Of The Titans remake.


I think yum-yum is the most unappealing term for vagina I've ever heard.


If that was the case, shouldn't people like Braff and Mamet just do petitions?

I have nothing to add but my undying support for this movie.

Only if they let David Cross get his rocks off as the thing.

Morris directed this episode.

Can we kickstart a Girls With Low Self Esteem comeback?

Does anyone know just how much of this show is improvised? Is it just a line or two here and there or do they just make up stuff based on scene outlines?

I like the bit at 1:27 where it looks like Ender vogues.

Michael Caine in space!
Craig Ferguson will be pleased.

Are we still allowed to refer to Peter Berg as 'The Dude Who Did Friday Night Lights' or do we have to call him 'The Dude Who Did Battleship' now?

So have scientists just ran out of shit to do now?

Reading tumblr is enough to put me off ever watching a single second of Supernatural.

She is insanely good at that meme game.

By all means, let's applaud "courage" over having any sense of modesty or grip on reality whatsoever. It's not like it's impossible to potentially have a celebrity who is "courageous enough to speak their mind" without their mind burping our such utter shit.

Holy shit, Wikipedia tells me that this episode, along with a few others this series, was directed by Chris Morris!

My mum loves it. Whenever I'm visiting her I like to play "Guess which bland BBC period drama my mum is watching".

What's the consensus on The Descendants now? It swung back and forth a few times when it was released, but I really like it.