
Two words.

To an extent, but other pop culture touchstones fit in as well. I never cared about or watched Saved by the Bell or Full House, but my older Millennial friends grew up watching them. My kids, despite being Millennials, don't care about them, either - they've been attacked by the slimy testicles fans of the Ricky Dan

You're one year older

Maybe Sam is being sarcastic? Who actually considers Dads a hit?

You shut your mouth! Mom and Dad Young Justice could still get back together!

She'll just buy Sno-Caps at the dollar store, and then smuggle them into the movie theater her living room like the rest of us.

Not as creepy as Frank and Nancy Sinatra dueting on Something Stupid.

Agent Carter was terrific.

His actual wife is pretty hot, too.

I keep meaning to get to her other stuff, but I loved In Conquest Born. I miss the days when Whelan did so much SF cover art.

I disliked it then and dislike it as much now. I'm not saying it sucks, as much as it's not my cup of tea, but the 'Bush v. Clinton' jokes, etc. (re:not wanting to go back in time 25 years) felt really lazy

I'm eating a bag of Lay's Flamin' Hot potato chips right now, and they're still not as spicy as that comment.

TCBY. It's dollar cone night!

Colin Hay was great on CB!B! a few months ago, on the Gilly and Garry wedding episode.

That and "Tonight is What it Means To Be Young" are both pretty good. I'm partial to "Safe Sex, 'The Future Ain't What it Used To Be", It Just Won't Quit the entire "Pandora's Box" album, though.

Mad props to Hexum, yo!

Pandora's Box was great - there are only a couple of weak tracks, and their version of It's All Coming Back . . . was better than Dion's cover.

Larry Wilmore is funny, but his delivery doesn't work for me. I think I'd rather read his stuff than hear it.

I can never not read his name as Joe Quesadilla.

I always try to keep Sturgeon's Law - " 90% of SF (and everything else) is crap," - in mind. Even stuff that was 'great for it's time' doesn't always hold up - so many groundbreaking sitcoms from the '70s feel painfully heavy handed now, for example.