
I was not at all looking forward to seeing this during all the previews, and was disappointed that they weren't using Pym as Ant Man. Was extremely glad we saw it anyway - it's easily in the top 25% of Marvel movies so far. It was fun, and funny in surprising ways - it had Stan Lee's funniest cameo yet.

I get Joe Dirt confused with Run, Ronnie, Run, probably because I hate both Cross and Spade. Now I dread that they'll make some sort crossover.

It was okay - a decent 'beach' book. It wasn't very challenging, and the references were all pretty easy geek things.

Ready Player One was fun, but incredibly fanservicy.

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I tried to get the Caveman / What the fuck?! minion, but none of the McD's I've been to so far have had them. One only had ninjas. WTF do I want a ninja for? Maybe I can modify the voice chip?

I put Bloom County right up there with Garfield and Cathy.

I saw your movie this weekend. It was weird, but not in the ways I expected it to be.

Maybe. Maybe the universes are already there and the consciousness just switches? Maybe it's just funnier this way.

Why have a beach, and waves, if they're just going to tell you to close your eyes at the start of it?

Fair enough. Like I said, it's been years, but hitting Tower Records one day, Forbidden Planet another and then cutting school all day Friday to watch movies was like a constant slow drip of media.

Where the fuck are the Murakami wheats? What kind of dicks tease with that and then don't even include it in the article.
Also, should't he be more of a pasta guy?

It's been years since it really mattered, but new music on Tuesday, comics on Thursday and movies on Friday gave everything a nice cycle. Who wants all the new stuff to drop on the same day?

It's like moving across parallel lanes instead of trying to make multiple U-turns across traffic.

I don't know - the space trip episode was the highlight of the season for me, maybe as much for the story as for featuring Willard so prominently.

Dude! Spoilers!

I just showed my daughter the video for Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots about an hour ago. She says it's the weirdest thing she's ever seen. I forgot how ridiculously adorable Yoshimi P-we is in that video.

Or his caddy.

Eh, she's practically a young, female Bill Murray. You'd need imaginary numbers to count the fucks they give.