The best cover of anything by Springsteen was here, when Basia Bulat covered Glory Days for Undercover. Glory Days is kinda middling, but her cover cut right melancholy ache underneath it all.
The best cover of anything by Springsteen was here, when Basia Bulat covered Glory Days for Undercover. Glory Days is kinda middling, but her cover cut right melancholy ache underneath it all.
You misspelled jizzed on at the end of the first paragraph.
If you stop watching The Amazing Spiderman 2 before the parts at the end with Rhino, it's a hundred times better. Just finish with Parker, standing in the cemetery in the snow, grieving.
About that size - like a shoebox or so. You can usually get a whole kit that includes the icing. It's practically spackle, though - I couldn't imagine trying to eat it. You have to either slather the corners, or form it into a paste roll about as thick as a tootsie roll and then set the edges to make strong…
We live near Waco now and my wife insists that we visit their shop / studio whatever.
You just have to use a thicker icing, almost like a paste. For tiny GB houses, that's usually enough. We made large (4x4x2, plus peaked roof) houses for our hotel lobbies, though, and for them, we did need glue, and plywood for the structure.
Elric needs some sort of adaptation that doesn't suck. It seems like something that should be animated, but the elf twins from Hellboy 2 looked Melnibonean enough that Del Toro could probably do a decent live version. Still, an animated series would give them an easy way to to all of The Eternal Champion stuff by…
I had to slow down at the end of those because I wasn't ready for them to end.
A bunch of Steinman's stuff is supposed to be part of a post-apocalyptic Peter Pan. Bat out of Hell I & II are all part of it. The singer of Anything for Love grows up to sing 2 out of 3. It's All Coming Back to me Now is an old Wendy singing to an unaged Peter (and also Heathcliff dancing with Cathy's corpse on…
Great Adventure was fun, but my friends and I went to trAction Park as often as possible. No coasters, but it was such anarchic fun!
He used to work in Chicago, at the old department store.
I keep hoping they will at some point - Powers is pretty good, and it would be nice to see more of his stuff adapted.
Stupid suggestion - have you tried cranking the steering wheel all the way to the right / left? I had a car with a regular key that would get locked in the ignition on occasion, and that would usually get it out.
It was a great book - too bad they wasted it on Pirates 4.
I hope that he'll get a straight-up interview show, like the old 'Later', somewhere down the line. He was always good about ditching the junket questions and having interesting discussions, or just having on interesting people even when they had nothing to shill.
Johnny Knoxville in Ready Brayer One
Hey! I was conceived by a Hot Topic manager during his lunchbreak, and I turned out okay.
It's solid, even going back to Comedy Death Ray. You might listen to some of the annual best ofs to find guests that you enjoy, and then look for their appearances through the years. There are so many great episodes, though, so you can't go wrong jumping around or going in order.
I don't love this song, but it's one seasonal thing I can do at karaoke and don't hate.
No, but they're both apologizing for something so ridiculously mundane that they don't require apologies. Each is equally asinine.