Bird Law

Do you think Madonna decided to sign a shitty grunge band to prove a friend wrong who argued that legally, she couldn't?

I can kinda remember when Sean Young was an actual thing.

I believe the AV Club had a note recently about The Doctors-as no one calls them-releasing a deluxe edition of that one album with those two songs with a whole bunch of bonus tracks and extended liner notes. The tone of the article could accurately be described as snarky.

If I remember correctly…weren't they signed by Madonna to her label? That just could not have been great for their grunge street cred.

Okay, we need to really talk about this idea-minus Jason Lee. Seriously, this could work. Or at least last longer than SportsDome.

That scene between Broderick and CK is one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me. And I've had a fuck ton of great things happen to me.

Don't try to placate me with your "logic".

I'm going to unsettle you for the rest of the day by reminding you that his name is actually Gary.

I don't have anything against Community, but I'm nowhere near the uberfan most people here are, so it bums me out that I have to say goodbye to Parks and Rec, a show I am irrationally passionate about, for more than a month to make room for it. Why can't everything work out for everybody all the time?

After further research, he also produced the first Sugar Ray album, so he obviously can call himself whatever the fuck he wants.

Isn't the real story here that there is a Hollywood director pretentious enough to call himself McG?

I am stunned this was given an A. The two guys seem very likable-this isn't Mind of Mencia, where the host was an unfunny, hateful asshole-so I'm rooting for this show to get better, but the Ancestry.com sketch about Thomas Jefferson was the only thing that got a laugh out of me. The rest was either predictable and

As far as Kenneth goes, I will absolutely agree with you. Jenna, too.

The first time I saw the Royal Tenenbaums, I missed everything that happened in that scene thanks to those paintings. The thought of them still makes me chuckle. No fooling: chuckle.

30 Rock? I'm surprised to hear you lump it in with the other two. I thought 30 Rock had a good comeback season last year.

With less stick-poking.

What happened at the end with Jim driving away? I thought maybe they were showing Jim driving drunk, which would result in a DWI, which would mean something interesting actually happening with Jim and Pam…but apparently not.

I hung in there for the first half hour. But the multiple cop show cliches combined with the laughably over the top and distracting score proved too much for me.

Clicking that link led me to a half hour of additional hyperlink clicking. Fuck, I unapologetically love Wikipedia.