Bird Law

She looks like a Nicki. That is all.

I wasn't too thrilled with his name being revealed as Ronald McDonald, simply because Party Down already had a main character named Ronald Donald.

My wish is being able to watch an episode of The Office without keeping a running tally on how many storylines they've recycled.

Fellas! Can't we all just agree that both were a hell of a lot better than The Office? I didn't even see last night's Community, yet I feel confident with that statement.

It's just a candy cane, aight?

I'm surprised no one else has commented on the similarities between this episode and "The Puerto Rican Day" episode of Seinfeld. Also, with them all reuniting in the theater at the end, it was similar to that episode of Seinfeld as well(When they all end up watching "Rochelle, Rochelle". Unless someone has already

Any non-Thai male who spends a lot of time in Thailand is automatically a loser douche? I spent a semester teaching in Chiang Mai-hundreds of miles from the brothels of Bangkok. But, since I'm a white American guy, I'm a loser douchebag.

As a Minnesotan born and raised, I can confidently state that Bachmann would never win statewide office. Only her crazy, gerrymandered-to-the-extreme district likes her. And also, that hurts our feelings.

I don't remember a single mention or reference to How I Met Your Mother. And since I've never watched that show, that was alright with me.

Did anyone else think of The Shawshank Redemption when Steve was working on his principal's finances?

I find that line pops into my head at random times, and it always makes me look like a crazy person, because I start laughing. Out loud, even!

Danny DeVito directed Death To Smoochy. Otherwise, they are one and the same in every other way.

What was with Danny DeVito's blonde hair remnants? I liked it, only because it seems exactly like something Frank Reynolds would do.

Their ability to always hone in on an insignificant detail and obsess over it is one of my favorite recurring themes of this show.

I was surprised we didn't get the few seconds of Dee on Fire or Sweaty Mac The Cable Access News Anchor that always seems to show up on the one vhs tape they seem to reuse constantly.

Because this thread has become really long, I'm not sure who this is directed at. Who is this directed at?

I feel like I must reply because of our similar names. Does that makes us BFFs, or hated enemies? Also, was Joyce Hyser the star of Just One Of The Guys? If so, taping over her is always a mistake.

That was my big dilemma tonight, too. I went with B&B as well, because it's not every day I get to relive my magical junior high years.

Definitely the episode where Bobby takes a female self-defense class. He spends the entire episode kicking men in the balls while screeching "That's my purse! I don't know you!"