Sansas Dad

On the TD tip, they definitely got slapped with the New Age label (and were nominated for Grammys in that category several times, though I don't believe they ever snagged one).

The Tangerine Dream? Zombie Edgar Froese in on his way to your house…

Well, I certainly enjoyed that.

Okay, a couple quick artist recommendations, based on what you've outlined:

Tangerine Dream — Cloudburst Flight.

Husker Du — New Day Rising

Bad Religion — Struck a Nerve

Pernice Brothers — Dimmest Star


I'm guessing that was a riff on a criticism that often gets leveled at Peter Dinklage by the internet's elocution cognoscenti.

I am hoping, horrible as this may be, that the bad thing in Africa that we're going to have the unfortunate pleasure of finding out about later this season turns out to be that her colleague that travels with her is killed instead of the rape it sure looks like its going to be.

In roughly chronological order:

Not one of the top echelon from Boxer, to be sure, but I absolutely love the coda.

Understandable. I'll forgive a great many sins In a book if the art is great, but I was ready for the arc to end.

I'll be over in the corner should anyone want to talk about Batwoman. Is it me, or could DC promote this book any less?

Well, her mother does have a touch of Summer Islander…

Well, her mother does have a touch of Summer Islander…

Since the left portion of that image is only of the South of Westeros, I'm gonna call shenanigans.