Space Cowboy

I just read this last weekend! There is definitely something captivating about a man driven by PURE UNADULTERATED RAGE. Also, I vote the whole movie be devoted to The Science People.

Yes, finally, an excuse!

Avatar aside, I'm not actually a *huge* anime fan. I'd be curious to see if we could do a full list A-Z list. Right now debating between Stein's Gate and Spice & Wolf.

My brother's name is Morgan and everyone at our school watched Futurama. Things got… confusing.

Unequivocally, yes. It's waaay ahead of its time. It reads like a post-modern fantasy and is full of weird (but entertaining) digressions. It's also surprisingly hilarious. The version with the novella is even better.

When my brother and I were kids (9 and 7), we begged my dad to get an N64 and Mario Kart for my brother's birthday. Like, on our knees begged. My father dislikes video games and told us no, but we didn't give up so finally he said we would have to earn it. I distinctly remember my brother and me cleaning the house

This might be my favorite comment ever. For the first time, I wish I could like things by more than one.

I hate every ape I see! From Chimpan-A to Chimpan-Z!

What can I say, I'm a sucker for the USC area code

Yes. This is my exact ranking.

Yeah, it was actually pretty well written and the idea isn't terrible. It's just the tone, plot, romance (oh yeah, there's a romance), structure, characterization and origin story were terrible. So what I'm saying is, it's probably going to get made.

Nah, a dark parody would have been semi-awesome…. In fact, very awesome…. Alright, well that's settled, I'm stealing this idea. Welcome to Hollywood kid!

Hey, just your run-of-the-mill production/development assistant chiming in here. I work here in LA and have read this script a few times, having to give my boss coverage on it.

FXX Executive points at TV: "This is where the show lives."

AHA! Trying to trick us, I see. We all know the sandwich-heavy portfolio always pays off for the hungry investor!

I'm curious, anybody else have cartoons that they learned stuff from? Even better than Monster At The End Of This Book (one of my favorites as a kid) was that Duffy Duck sketch where the animator draws and erases him as the cartoon goes on. I must've watched that a hundred times growing up. Also, it wasn't Sesame

Are you a Royal Pains writer?

I edited my comment to better reflect your sensibilities.

"I can see how it might rub you the wrong way, but… I like the punishing. I'm a fan and it feels good to be serviced… Different Strokes!" - Alf Pogs

Mandatory Theme Song: "Uh oh, fell in love again…."