Space Cowboy

I don't really know where else to write this, so I'm just going to write this in a reply to you in the bowels of this (now nearly unreachable) comments section.

I find this issue really interesting as well.I almost always err on innocent until proven guilty (even though last I checked only 2-8% of rape accusations are false).

No, definitely hold it against him. I attempted to meet with Heiserrer because he had an option on a project I was looking at (I used to try and write screenplays) and he was a complete ass.

She just says "Sploosh" (now in English!)

I once made a dessert involving greek yogurt and tangerine stew (it's really good, guys!) and the girl I was trying to date thought it was so good (see?) that she invited these guys from next door over to try it out. Then she dated one of them. It was not ideal.

Hire a sex worker?

"….but why would you deposit money in a sperm bank?"

It'd be like calling me "that guy who peed his pants in gym class and then pretended it was water from the water fountain Space Cowboy".

My mother is Jewish (so am I, we ALL ARE) and she has that same attitude.

For me it would be Felicia Day's web series "The Guild". The first season came out when I was in high school and I realized that you don't really need that much to make a decent web series. A camera, a script, and a group of (unemployed) friends.

Sorry for the late reply. Yeah, I think things are looking better now that I've had a couple days to think about it. I think I was just scared of being alone, but the fear passed.

I actually just broke up with my girlfriend of two years (off and on) after an extremely rough night (she got drunk and said some stuff). She lives in LA most of the time and I'm in the South so I thought it would be a good time to let go and start over. She cried for roughly three hours until I asked her to leave my

Where the white women (who support white supremacist interpretive horizons) at?

I'm the exact same way. I run 10Ks and my times always go something like 7:30, 7:00, 6:30, 6:00, 6:00 - scrape me off the pavement and tell my mother I loved her.

Callie Nin & Marie Dwithajob can do many things when they set their minds to it. They're modern women!

This show was my jam as a kid. I was very athletic and I lived in GA and I remember begging my father to take me to the studios to try out. One time I climbed into the car (for school, I think) and then refused to get out until my parents took me to Orlando. My mom eventually convinced me that we would walk there on

I like the sadness/wistfulness, but not the grimness. Superman is supposed to embody the best of humanity and it's interesting when he sees that humanity is not the best. Similarly when he encounters something he can't fight (like one of my favorite Superman stories: "For All Seasons").

FUCK. I need. to read. faster.

That Angel episode is hilariously bad. I kept expecting a character to break the fourth wall (probably Ling) and just say "genital mutilation is bad". Maybe throw it out there once every 5 minutes or so.