Space Cowboy

Anything Hobbes and Susie related always makes me smile. Especially because seeing Hobbes in his stuffed animal form is just so fucking great for reasons I still can't articulate.

Animaniacs! Which is why I am the normal, humorless young man I am toda… wait, what?

What does he like about Gwen Stacy? When I went back through the old comics, she never really seemed like a fully formed character and she was only really enshrined after she died. I'm just curious what he likes about her or whether he likes Stacy from a different comic.

Does this mean DC will let them use Spider Jerusalem? I will write that comic if they won't.

Hey! Not all of us are hilarious!

You get a double up-vote. One for your comment and one for your user picture. Talk about upvote/name synergy

Have you ever heard the Dave Chappelle stand-up about white dudes talking about what they drink? It's so true! White people are so like that!

One time I went to a Halloween party and there was alcohol, weed, *and* Adventure Time. What I'm saying is: we can have it all people.

I'm 22 and this comment is - wait that's my cell phone going off. Forgot my sexcoffee date. Shit!

Agreed. I mean, Mulaney often distances himself from his own material (like when he talks about how he used to be a blackout drunk) but to do a similar thing in a sitcom is just weird and unnerving. It's just like Delta Airlines… where life is a fucking nightmare.

Damn you John Mulaney! You know that I'll watch anything you do, but everything about this show makes me die a little inside. Just stop releasing promo materials so I can go into this with blissful ignorance instead of dread.

Just gonna add to the Enver love. The guy was a chameleon in Dollhouse, uncannily mimicking other cast members. Fun fact: last name is pronounced joke-eye. KNOWLEDGE BOMB DROPPED, SPACE COWBOY OUT >

Yeah, I enjoy it too. As long as we agree that Talib Kweli is the shit. Otherwise, it's only a matter of time until we're calling each other Hitler.

I think Vago was on point but he missed out on the next few lines which are even worse: "Real rappers is hard to find, like a remote….. control."

They get a pass for the confusing/awesome Nightswimming

Actually… *Core Concept holds up finger while continuing to drink*

Have you forgotten "Where the Wild Things Are" so easily??? But really, did you forget it? Please tell me that you did & that we all can.

It's more like some kind of crazy half-baked cookie dough season. The beginning isn't bad (like Conversations with Dead People, especially) but then it putters out. Storyteller is great and Lies My Parents Told me is decent but otherwise I felt it just didn't finish strong. Too many forgettable characters and a crazy

Really? Looking back I am pretty amazed that it cheered me up. It was just so relentlessly depressing that I was, like, "Whoa, this is some dark shit. Don't want any part of that." Or maybe it's just that there were explosions and robots and shiny colors.

This is some A-List comment/user synergy right here.