Wrapped In Plastic

Mad Men does have shades of Lynch from time to time. I'm thinking of the scene where Betty shoots the birds (it's all the the colors) and her dreams while giving birth.

Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead and Midnight were pretty much the only episodes from series 4 that warrant a second viewing.

@21st. True. And it was kinda hot.

1984: I remember rushing home to watch The Simpsons on Thursday nights.

For me, the only Netflix instant selections that look shitty are the ones that would look shitty on DVD anyway (like old Doctor Who). I watched Z last week and the quality seemed DVD-level.

I keep hitting my queue limit. I need to go through and weed some out.

Pre-Teen girls and the men that loved them ruined it.

Since I dropped cable, I have found it much easier to forgot about House. I watched all of last season out of boredom, and if I could just turn on the TV and find it I would probably still be watching. But seeking it out online takes more effort than I'm willint to exert, even for Hugh Laurie's sake.

I was wondering…

*Rape* Rape
I thought it was interesting that this episode ended up airing at a time when the Polanski case is back in the news. It gave it an extra layer.

It would work with me to. But I found myself wondering what she called him—Duck or Herman?

He could be a pedo and people would still think that dog thing was the worst thing he ever did.

This season
Is getting so crazy. I love it. It makes me anxious for the shit that will go down in the season finale.

Yes. God, I hoped she learned her lesson. Still, she is crazy fertile.

My Foot
Is going to hurt all fucking day.

Oh, I like House as well. I've never Castle to be honest, just Erik's description reminded me of House—which, while fun, is hardly the best thing on TV right now.

Yet they still recap "House."

I first read that as "Schwartzman is in drag." I can't decide if that would make it a better show or not.

Me too Ricky. I want to know if he kept on winning.

I don't remember the episode (Shoot?), but it was when she was talking to Francie about being a model. She says something like, "Then I got enaged, then I got pregnant, then I stopped modeling" which led me to think they got engaged and then she got pregnant.