Wrapped In Plastic

@lexicondevil, re: Pete/Peggy: I'm not so sure it was vanilla. Remember the hair pulling and hunting fantasy?

Obviously not.

I somehow combined pregnant with preganancy up there, even though I've sobered up by now.

In an eariler episode, Betty basically said she was pregnany when they married. Maybe it really is 9 but they usually say 10 to save face?

I think you should start at the beginning and see.

Yeah, I'm the same way (I finished on Sunday as well, though I was spoiled). I'll be getting them the same way this year as well.

Rewatching it, I noticed that Pete got the Pampers campaign. Please God, let him work on this with Peggy.

BRTD, you totally got screwed. You could have had mutant powers.

Word of God is that the baby is Don's and is the result of the night at her parent's house.

I know that, in terms of auidence, Mad Men has one of the most affluent on television (which I am slowly doing my part to drag down). So yeah, BMW's for all!

I was also kinda disappointed in the lack of Pete/Peggy, mainly because I enjoy their fucked-up relationship and Kartheiser and Moss work so well together. But I'm sure the other shoe will drop soon and, when it does, it will be good.

I don't know, I think children have a lot to learn from The Wrestler.

@ricin—I really like both movies, though they are based on one of my favorite novels. I think if you cut out the crappy parts of both and combined them, you would get an even better film.

On a somewhat related note, the review section for Brokeback Mountain over at Netflix is full of people ranting about it winning Best Picture—which says something about the impact of Crash, or awards in general.

Dangerous Liaisons vs. Valmont

This comment connected with this post is creepy. How young do you cougars like 'em?

AMC, aren't the people on the Big Brother streams aware that they are being filmed? I've never watched them, but I think it is still safe to say that they are playing for the cameras. The antics of a person who has no idea they are being filmed are much different (and much more boring) than someone going about their

I find him kinda creepy. Not because of his views, but beacuse kids acting like adults is always creepy and the way he apparently watches enough cable news to study how everyone on these problems talks and acts. And his parents are probably just more intellegent stage parents. I get the idea that if he was a girl, it

I wouldn't go around repeating that, Dark.

He's 14 years old and he wears a tie, of course he gets beat up.