Wrapped In Plastic

I would put a lot more weight on the criticism of Skyler not being sexist if it seemed like every negative comment I read about her didn't feel the need to call her ugly and fat.

There are people who consider Downton Abbey a masterpiece?

She got a guest actress nomination. I hope she wins.

As pissed as I am that no one on Mad Men has ever won, I'm equally upset that Vincent Kartheiser has never even been nominated.

At least it's not like last year, when every single actor on Downton Abbey got a nom. 

I'm trying not to get my opens up.

I think so? It aired around the same time as Mad Men did.

I find her completely wooden (and her last scene was laughable, but that was mostly the writing). She was okay before, but this year? But yeah, hotness wins.

Also, what did Peter Dinklage even do this season? He was just kind of there, really. Jaime was probably Lannister #1 this year.

And she probably would have been, had the writers given her anything to do.

Emilia Clarke is one of the worst actors on GoT.

Hannibal didn't get anything, not even a creative nod.

Well, it's no Mad Men Yourself.

Here's a question: will this be more or less depressing to read than Kim Gordon's upcoming Sonic Youth book?

Its one of my favorites. Though I can't believe anyone around for that recording has any memory of that time period.

It was super shitty. I think it's because MCA seemed like such a chill guy; he really didn't deserve that.

Theon Greyjoy is the Pete Campbell of Westeros.

Character development? What's that?

"I was too young to see the prequels."

Season Five was amazing, but it didn't really start to get amazing until Mystery Date. And Betty episodes are always a chore.