Jesus Tralfaz

Actually, it sounds like they did their job perfectly.

I'll throw is for Pitch Black as well, solid little sci-fi film (Keith David too!).  Chronicles of Riddick is a neutered mess, which is why I'm glad to see this is a straight up R.

VH1's I love the 90s?

Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.

Hey!  That's a perfectly valid complaint!

It's really more of a friends with benefits situation.

First, I'd jam some extra RAM in your motherboard.  Than I'd spread some thermal paste all up over your CPU.

Easy for you to say, you weren't there for the freak out the first time they heard Wings.


Hey fuck off, no way I'm exposing my kids to a Simon-less Art Garfunkel.

@avclub-cc225865b743ecc91c4743259813f604:disqus ,

@avclub-ea098057cb0d1379deaf8c1cf4a1fe3b:disqus ,

By the end I found the combat to be very boring.  Her complaint about the world de-populating was spot on, especially considering the great world building that occurs in the first 1/3 of the game.

It is (1993) and that entire album is great.  My first introduction to PJ Harvey was Beavis and Butthead riffing on the 50ft Queenie video.  And they're right, she does kinda look like Mallory from Family Ties.

"I shall meet you at the MONORAIL!"

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus The greatest gift of fatherhood was being emotionally and physically ground down to the point where I could not give a shit about anything anymore even if I even wanted to.

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus  yeah but they are like $35 cheaper than the Nikes and Kohl's always has my size.

Also the stereo doesn't come with an AUX import but it does come with a tape deck.  Seriously who fuck still uses tapes?  It's better to just have fucking nothing.

Zack already called it out in the comments but Sisko's "I came through and I shall
return." is probably my favorite moment of his in the entire series.  They spent the last five seasons working on that character growth and earned that speech.

@avclub-f127ab2c48e1f25bb7b27ec38b1569d2:disqus  Nice, way to blame the victim.