Jesus Tralfaz

Man, fuck Tim Hortons.  Their donuts suck and their coffee tastes like burnt shit.

5) Villain makes synthetic cryptonite but half asses it and throws in tar.  Superman becomes a date rapist.

To be fair, we've all been waiting for Odo to shit or get off the pot for a while now.

@Automocar:disqus , not a football fan eh?

Little known DS9 fact: Travis Henry served as a transporter chief during this season.

Hey now!

Why would you ever join hosts in a sickbay instead of at your home with surrounded by family and a duola ?  There is nothing more natural than Trill joining, their bodies are created for it!  But Starfleet medical and Big Tricorder have corrupted everyone's thinking about it.

"but at the very
least there would be a bunch of j-date sites for Joined Trill seeking
Joined Trill."

"Apparently, Odo can “mingle” with solids. I have no idea how that would work, but Arissa seemed to enjoy it."

That might be my favorite five minutes out of the entire shows run.

I have nothing to add other than I really want a pair of camouflage paints and hunter orange suspenders like that. 

That head soldier guy has no root or stem so probably not.

Yep it was Theon not Tyrion.  Also get out of here and go torrent that shit.  You're only ruining it for yourself.

Dude I know!  This is mock UN in Indianapolis all over again.

Oh Jamie, you child murdering pervert, I can't stay mad at you.

@AmaltheaElanor:disqus ,

@avclub-cb0e59b8f769a8698b9f7154dd8809b5:disqus   My grandfather fought in the Pacific for this?  Come on JJ get it your shit together.

Dax doesn't got time for that shit.  Go ahead, gas an entire planet.  Dax don't give a fuck

The show or characters didn't really even need it either.  They'd already established Garak and Tain's relationship quite well.  There wasn't much benefit to it (other than Tain getting a great line read).

Kinda off topic, as much as I loved Mass Effect it was hilarious how much of the character moments in that games were Daddy issues or mono gendered alien Mommy issues.