Jesus Tralfaz

That was my guess as well.  Although Frakes strikes me as the kind of guy that would do that straight faced just to try and get a reaction out of the other actors.

That's the part that really got me.  I could probably get in the chair that way no problem.  But I'd absolutely get my leg stuck on thing and tumble over backwards onto my ass if I tried to get up that way.

It's a total Riker power move.  Lead with the crotch.

Star Trek related:  Riker sits down.

There were about 16 wildlings that climbed the wall.  The idea is too sneak around the back and surprise attack the remaining Nightswatch (which is all blind old guys and stewards at this point) from the South where the castle has no protection.  Then they open the gate for Mance Rayder.

No kidding.  No wonder that fake deer looked so good.

It always looks higher than you think when you are on the top.  Or at least that is what my wife tells me when I make her climb on the roof to clean the gutters.

Well actually, it's PADD.


I'd also include Jon's failed beheading of Ygrette (he didn't want to do it, felt he had to, swung the sword and ultimately couldn't bring himself to commit the act) to the list as it tells you a lot about his character as well.

In all fairness to Robb (who is legitimately fucking things up on the no-war part of being a King) he also ran into some tremendously shitty luck when Renly died.  Instead of the Lannisters fighting the war on three fronts, they now only had to push back Stannis' smaller army and have picked up all the Tyrell forces

IIRC, Robert started the rebellion and had the army of essentially three kingdoms behind him (The North, The Stormlands and The Vale).  Tywin only had his own forces at his command, so essentially Robert had a bigger army.

I'd love to see a behind the scenes for that fight, cause god damn did that flaming sword look awesome.

I got this impression as well.  I think he is attracted to her as a warrior (she bested him in combat, absolutely fucked up those three Stark soldiers who hung the tavern girls) but frustrated with stubbornness and narrow vision.  Plus she's the only person whose stuck up for him in a long time.  He isn't quite

Seal blubber.  Same thing they do in Canada.

Well, I'm keeping up with the books after each season ends.  A Game of Thrones has a really, really rough start.  It comes around by the end of the book but I could see how it could put potential readers off.  I don't think I would have stuck with it had I not seen the S1 first. 

@avclub-8a5c1121fe24ecbeab48c97b07dec712:disqus , No just you me and Cliffy.  I really don't get the amount of shit Alien 3 gets.  Granted it's no where near as good as the first two,(those are masterpieces), but it's still a really good movie (initial gaping plot hole aside).  Great actors, great setting, outstanding

@Thants, which I only watched after getting into Parks and Rec.  Oddly enough the part that broke the illusion for me was the fact that it was Ben Wyatt getting an HJ, not the obviously fake prosthetic.

I'll tip my hat to Lena Headey as well.  In S1 she really stood out as the weakest of the principle actors but she has really stepped up her performances in S2 (drunk Cersei is the best Cersei) and S3.

@avclub-9c33ea7188cb0fc5d524f4ad1e8d8fc5:disqus , ….and now its ruined.