Jesus Tralfaz

Only north of the wall.  Cause let's face it, she hadn't had a bath or shower in like a year before that scene.

Also we got to see her ass.

Strong men also cry… strong men also cry.

Also it stays remarkably clean and undamaged.  And is a 2012 model in a world were the zombie apocalypse occurred in 2010.

Sweet.  Thank you Baby Ducks!

Apparently so judged by the end of the episode.

I got the impression that Margery does feel sympathetic towards her, but wouldn't hesitate to use her for the Tyrell's purposes.  There are far worse fates than marrying into a powerful family who aren't all psychopaths, which is why I'm sure it won't happen.

My guess is that he is Bolton's bastard (the one other soldier even called him a little bastard after he shot him through the chest) and that he's gone off the deep end (burning down Winterfell, lying to Robb, killing his own men) behind everyone's back.

Bobcat Goldthwait is quickly becoming one of my favorites

Neko Case was killer on the Necco waffers questions

I have nothing else to add but HOLY SHIT THEY CUT OFF HIS FUCKING HAND!


Nope, Wayne's World is still great if only for the single greatest product placements ever in a film.

@avclub-2d8ab0375d529c0ccfcdb1c61a09f1c2:disqus ,

Yeah, the O'Brien's have one seriously fucked up sex life.

@Automocar:disqus ,  Sure I'll give it shot.

@avclub-bd847fd835b2c6025557898b6aff7b2d:disqus Yep, that's them.

The Doctor didn't choose the Photonic life, the Photonic life chose him.

@avclub-bbb04f2a70775131fa0397bbdb4c03de:disqus Man, and I didn't even drink that much at lunch today!

This seems as appropriate a place to post this as anywhere.  From the 1969 Apollo 10 mission: