Jesus Tralfaz

I think Rosalind Chao is fine actress and when given a decent character to play she was fine as Keiko.  Unfortunately the writers where occasionally to eager to write Keiko as the shrill wife for martial conflict subplots.

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus ,

@avclub-bbb04f2a70775131fa0397bbdb4c03de:disqus , I've always found it kind of funny how little JR gives a shit about DS9.  Bless him for sticking with it.  I could certainly see how it could drive one nuts but their undying commitment to terrible ideas or jokes is one of the more endearing qualities of the podcast.

You can only watch the Wiz so many times.

@avclub-b70761d1088bdf7d7607e1e02bca3dd2:disqus Same difference.

[Bounces ball off foot, ball rolls to the corner of the room]

JR and Jon are doing this on their podcast after wrapping up DS9 (p.s. you should totally listed to JR watches Star Trek for the first time).  They are going in blind with top four episodes four worst episodes based upon listen vote.  I expect it will be a horrible experience for them.

I hope you come up with a better excuse than she might be my grandmother and I might be my own grandfather.

These are the kind of questions that make me love this board and hate myself.

"Jeremy's Iron?"


The same way we love O'Brien.  Therefore, Zack must suffer.

God I love this episode.  It's an love letter to Trek.

"Oh, and Bashir briefly entertains the thought that he was destined to be
his own ancestor when he bumps into an attractive ensign on the
elevator. Ah, the sexy, sexy perils of time travel."

@Mighty_Ponygirl:disqus ,

@avclub-47624136cf832b0092161cd37e3952aa:disqus ,

Maybe he's got a fetish for pregnant chicks?

Miles O'Brien, Space Pimp.

They've infiltrated Michigan of all places, cept round here we call them Circles of Death.

O'Brien is spanish fly for all non-human ladies.