Jesus Tralfaz

So do I.  It's goofy as hell but I really enjoy watching Visitor and Meaney in those scenes.

"Unless you were really hoping for Quark to get it together and finally screw that Klingon woman we haven’t seen in a few seasons"

I was on the same page as you with that scene.

Makes sense.

Ha!  Suck it Canada!

My West Virginian uncle uses 'yuntz' in place of y'all.

When will the people of the Upper Peninsula find their stories reflected in the popular culture?

@avclub-eb061e1b51370c6de4b4968e26b4f286:disqus  Sam Worthington says "G'day."

We were all coked out at the time.

So, why the hell wasn't Dax on the super secret mission into the Klingon Empire.  You know, the one starfleet officer who has more OG Klingon creed than the actual Klingon in Starfleet.  There were women at the ceremony, so that isn't the answer.

Meh, it's worked for Liechtenstein for all these years.

That is still my favorite scene of the episode.  I love that Garak is so willing to fuck around with Quark's head for laughs.

It just confirms that O'Brien is indeed Spanish fly to all the non-human ladies.


Yep.  It would have been all too easy to make him into the bad guy to play Bashir against, and I'm glad they avoided that.  He is genuinely trying to help people in the best way he knows how in the face of an incredibly shitty situation.  Others pointed it out below, but his reaction to the vaccinated baby is great.

If I recall correctly that is right.  I agree that the first actress was the best and furthermore the character was written with a certain pessimistic world-wariness which was far more interesting than the naive character she would later become.

@avclub-5f03e1f1407676a0528f8dd15588f851:disqus , Yes fluidic space.  Or Braga's asshole.  Same difference.


Maybe he was just trying to make Bashir jealous?

I think you are forgetting Species 8472.Which isn't fair to me.  If I remember that horrible crap, then by God I'm going to make sure you all do too.