Jesus Tralfaz

Yep.  Ziyal really never went anywhere.  Changing the actress and dramatically aging the character didn't help.  Personally I think it would have been much more interesting if they had stuck with the original actress for Ziyal and have her develop try to develop Garak into replacement father figure.  Or better yet,

At this point in the comments I'd like to make my weekly observation about how fucking great "Rocks and Shoals" is.

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus , Space aspirin between your legs?

@avclub-40904cf5a179d97beb9f7f3f8c02e080:disqus Masks and Genesis are so stupid they are kind of great in there own flightless bird kinda way.

@avclub-d7ef203a5de7a79bebb72394bac866f7:disqus Touche.

Riker was truly one of the greast gimmick posters for all time.  It was heartbreaking that he didn't pop up in the Defiant discussion.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus , ah we are just ribbing the new guy.  Honestly this is probably the best comment section on the site for open discuss and debate.

Not a bad list, but "Without Sin" really needs to be on there somewhere.

True, but those were early season TNG.  Profit and Lace, Without Sin, etc. were all fairly late in DS9's run.  They really should have known better by then.


Great, where am I supposed to put my drugs?

Trials is pure Star Trek joy.  Although I guess how I can see if people thought it was just to goofy or out of place. 

Monster!  I bet you hate the Visitor too.

I think it's his best episode hands down.

For this season?  Yes.  For the series, no.  Oh, good God no.

And the Quickening the following week.  Nice.

Good point.  I don't think Accession is a particularly good episode but I do appreciate the steps Sisko's character takes in the episode regarding his conflict about his role as Emissary.  It's part of a nice slow burn that culminates one of my favorite Sisko scenes in the season finale.

Arnett and Poehler were bad enough but for some reason Danny Devito and Rhera Pearlman splitting up felt like my grandparents got divorced.

If you're not watching the Americans you are really missing out.

Well, alright, alright, alright.