Jesus Tralfaz

@avclub-ca6cb47da12090ffd2470daf51f71be1:disqus, imagine the dumbest fanwank you can.  Now times that by five.

I can't say I was ever into Maker's Mark but that's still a really shitty idea.

The first time I ever used the internet was in a computer lab at college.  And now I am using it to comment on a kids show from the 80s while I eat beef jerky for lunch.  Truly we live in a wondrous time.


@avclub-a452630477eb936fd36fc9a9542d4598:disqus I beat both Mega Man 2 and 3 but that was about it.  Fucking dam level in Ninja Turtles.

That is the best description of Talespin I've ever read.  It such a bizarre mish-mash you have to wonder how it ever got the green light.

Based off an increasingly shitty memory I'd rank them:

Shit!  Well, at least I thought I saw it in the theaters.

Everything I know about world history is from those GI Joe episodes where Cobra creates Serpentor from the DNA of Attila the Hun, Napoleon, Juluis Caesar, Hannibal, Genghis Khan, Rasputin, and Vlad the Impaler.  And then Sargent Slaughter's DNA got accidentally mixed in somehow.  Come to think of it, those episodes

Man, Talespin was the fucking best out of any of the Disney shows.  

Yes there was and I'm pretty sure I saw it in the theater.  All I can remember is the opening scene is at the Pyramids and a collection of workers sings:  "Oshi-bodashi-bodashi-bodu, hey we can lift it!"

Yeah but the Magic Stick has bowling alleys.  Bowling!

Only if my wife is driving!


Order of the straight arrow from King of the Hill might be the most accurate based upon my traumatic childhood memories.

Hey, you want me to take another corner off your totin' chip?

@disqus_okgItcD0yy:disqus ,

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus Sadly the most believable romance in TNG was between Beverly and a candle.

@avclub-b31df16a88ce00fed951f24b46e08649:disqus But there really isn't a symbiont or host's perspective.  They are just a joined Trill.  Everything DS9 presented about joined Trills suggest that they function consciously as a single personality.

@avclub-945ba977c27d196cdeaf6cbe4ff682f4:disqus Hmm, interesting argument.