Jesus Tralfaz

It is kind of bullshit, especially considering they told Andrew Robinson to dial down Garak's overtones towards Bashir.

Kira telling O'Brien to get out of her room was another great bit.

The only way that episode can possible work was if Riker was in control the entire time and using it as an excuse to get in Beverly's pants, which is believable.

There was a black guy on Enterprise?  Huh, must of missed that.

The Trill are nothing if not a really cool concept that turns into a half-baked story.

Oh God no, it'd be nothing but neck ridges and fedoras.

I'd like to preemptively state that your opinion is different than mine and therefore you are bad person.

Yeah I'm kind of surprised that everyone is knocking if for the reasons you pointed out.  Still it would have been more ballsy to have the alien played by a guy.

@avclub-bbb3af3d466d7231aa738ff95762091d:disqus She's history's cutest monster.

Just romantic relationships.  Bromances cannot be limited by the petty constraints of gender or death.

@avclub-d80126524c1e9641333502c664fc6ca1:disqus If we don't fanwank every episode then we really haven't done our job here.

Yep, with dreadlocks to boot. 

It does kind of have a whole explorer scouts vibe to it.

@alurin There's a difference?

Is that the black chick from Walking Dead?  'Cause you know it's going to be her.

Other Beth and the pirate chick, right?

In all fairness, O'Brien was the only enlisted person in Starfleet up until this episode.  These guys are probably really new to the job.

True, but are we ever told that most rejoined Trills aren't skived out by the idea of rejoining?  Maybe this is the Trill version of Les Cousins Dangereux.

Yeah, but Kahn is really smoking hot.

Oh come on.  Like you any of you never banged out with an ex under the totally false guise that you were going to get back together once the liquor wore off.