Jesus Tralfaz

On the plus side, there will be a bunch of sexy blue mono-gendered aliens.

Es muy bueno

Yes, there are fucking everyone too. However, Lablatt's Blue was cheap and easily accessible during my college days so I'll let this one slide.

Ludington Represent!

I know this is a common criticism of Mason's character but I do appreciate that Boyhood at least takes a realistic approach to teenagers and shows them as the dumb shits they all are.

Terrible news.

I think everything is cool as long as we don't touch each other.

Well, this is awkward.

Also DuckTales was still on T.V. when we were kids.

Turn in your Doritos and Mountain Dew Gamer fuel at the door.

Well the good news is in my state employers can fire who ever the fuck they want without reason!

The end of III was hot garbage. It, along with the Desmond missions just reeked of development team F slapping a bunch of shit together at the last minute in order to make the release date.

Man the end of AC2 was one of best of the last generation. Unfortunately they were never able to live up to that moment in the following sequels.

Desmond might be the most boring protagonist of any game. It really didn't help when they forced you out of Ezio to play his character chapters. So glad he's dead.

I love how the Abstergo NPCs constantly shit talk the company. It's like some bizarre cry for help from the developers.

Man Octonauts is the shit. Creature Report! Creature Report! Wild Krats is also pretty decent. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse can go suck eggs.

Eh, all day cares are just prisons for toddlers anyway. Expensive, expensive prisons.

Yeah, what the fuck? They gave her a bunch of drugs. I just got vomited on.

Exactly. I've never had an issue with Steam either and really like the layout and community features (shit, last night I even made $0.23 off selling cards from Sniper Elite V2 game I got for free!). As much shit as people give Origin, I've never had any issues with it either. UPlay on the other hand . . .

The fact that it was dropped so quickly makes me think it probably was a bunch a crap anyways. Still it would have been interesting to see what they would have done with it (saying this as a guy who has no intention of ever buying either console).