Jesus Tralfaz

Hey! I still have a BetaMax.

However, Steam is still DRM. Yes there are games that can be played in Offline mode but it does need to check periodically check in. And if valve ever went under (I'm pretty confident that they are not) you're shit outta luck for an game not downloaded on your drive. I know valve has said they'll release all games

Steam's check in is very liberal, like once every two weeks right? I'm not sure about Origin and Ubisoft's is always on (combined with the shit show that is Uplay). Which, fair enough, is different (and if you have a shitty internet connection would be a pretty raw deal).

Screw Assassin's Creed, where is my Gone Home sequel?

Don't forget yiff fans!

It is rather interesting that their proposed method was essentially no different than what the majority of PC gamers accept without question and everybody lost their shit over the very concept of it (fuck you UPlay!).

A lot of the dyed in the wool RPG fanatics were super pissed that the game play focus shifted toward a 3PS to appease the dude-bros. Also, there is a weird Mako fetish amongst fans.

These consoles are all bullshit anyways. PC/Steam for life yo!

I agree but man did they do a spectacularly shitty job about presenting any kind of benefits for the consumer with always on-line. Also the fact that they yanked it so quickly makes me wonder if they really had any idea how they were going to integrate always on line and the "Cloud" with the XBone in the first place.

"A man who never eats pork buns is never a whole man."

God damn it, I hate the pipe-freezing mini game.

Again, I wonder how much of it is my familiarity with the city in question. Sleeping Dogs (a much better open world Dog game), set in Hong Kong, totally works for me on an atmospheric level.

Ah, there is nothing quite like crossing over the Illinois boarder into Wisconsin. Nothing but fireworks, cheese and porno stores for as far as the eye can see.

Maybe it's my familiarity with Chicago vs. New York or LA, but as the commenter in the article pointed out it really doesn't feel to much like Chicago to the point I wonder if they'd been better off in setting the game in fictional Midwestern city a la Rockstar game. The hilarious amount french canadian accents on

Wait, but season 5 and 6 will cover books 4 and 5 so filming won't actually catch up to the books until three years from now.

And now the circle is complete.

I haven't posted much lately, but I want to add my thanks to Zack among the others. I've loved your reviews and am quite saddened that the journey is over.

And here I assumed it was because of the alcohol abuse. Diet Squirt's the jam though.

Fucking finally!

The best scene in the entire movie is when the mech pulled out that big ass knife. So, so stupid.