Jesus Tralfaz

On the downside, there is no visibly disgusted Ro Laren.

The spots really help.

Sword of Kahless recap:

Both are good episodes but Disaster wins solely for the Work - Keiko scenes.

An old man gets hit by a bunch of tennis balls.  That's got to count for something.

I always really appreciated how deftly they handled that kiss.  It came across as natural that scene comes across.  As Zack points out it carries far more emotional weight, which was earned through honest story and character interactions.  It speaks to DS9's credit that they handled it so well and didn't use it as for


Well, it is the order of things.

@Newton Gimmick


@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus Later?

Yeah, the part were he calls old Tony Todd his 'my sweet boy' kills me every time.

Yeah, the part were he calls old Tony Todd his 'my sweet boy' kills me every time.

Also, giant space vagina.

Also, giant space vagina.

Selfishly, no.  More trek means more comments for us to dick around in.  Plus that series is prefect for our catty and witty remarks.

Selfishly, no.  More trek means more comments for us to dick around in.  Plus that series is prefect for our catty and witty remarks.

@avclub-7cbaf9384cf3835106bf2f444c0bcf65:disqus , better than taking place on the fucking holodeck.

@avclub-7cbaf9384cf3835106bf2f444c0bcf65:disqus , better than taking place on the fucking holodeck.

"Nice house.  Good tea."