Jesus Tralfaz

I'm probably in the minority but I liked Leeta and appreciated that she stuck around to help flesh out the extended B cast.

Not to mention, super fucking creepy.  So much wrong with this whole situation.  Curzon realizes that he can't use his authoritative position to screw a significantly younger attractive woman, so he sabotages her application and goals and possibly her career.  Then he later regrets it, and decides to volunteer the Dax

Not to mention, super fucking creepy.  So much wrong with this whole situation.  Curzon realizes that he can't use his authoritative position to screw a significantly younger attractive woman, so he sabotages her application and goals and possibly her career.  Then he later regrets it, and decides to volunteer the Dax

You've nailed why I hate this episode.  How the fuck did Joran get joined in the first place?  Don't they screen the host before they stick the slug in them?

You've nailed why I hate this episode.  How the fuck did Joran get joined in the first place?  Don't they screen the host before they stick the slug in them?

Unless CPS takes somebodies baby away in the first episode we will know that this is some bull MTV poser shit.

Unless CPS takes somebodies baby away in the first episode we will know that this is some bull MTV poser shit.

So, anybody else just kinda like it?  It wasn't great and it wasn't nearly as horrible as it's detractors make it out to be.

So, anybody else just kinda like it?  It wasn't great and it wasn't nearly as horrible as it's detractors make it out to be.

I also like the idea that Jake was trying to get the old man laid.  None of the "betraying my dead mom crap" and instead portraying him as someone who wants his father to be happy.  Another nice little part of their father-son relationship.

I also like the idea that Jake was trying to get the old man laid.  None of the "betraying my dead mom crap" and instead portraying him as someone who wants his father to be happy.  Another nice little part of their father-son relationship.

Good God man, why the fuck would you rewatch that?

Good God man, why the fuck would you rewatch that?

Much like the formula for concrete, flash memory was lost to the perils of history.

Much like the formula for concrete, flash memory was lost to the perils of history.

@avclub-cd3625144831df8821a27bcf76c5e653:disqus No kidding.  Was there ever a leader of Bajor she didn't sleep with?

@avclub-cd3625144831df8821a27bcf76c5e653:disqus No kidding.  Was there ever a leader of Bajor she didn't sleep with?

Just the tip?

Just the tip?

If I recall correctly, they were going to sing Louie Louie, but couldn't get the rights to the song.  Then Meany suggested Jerulsalem.