Jesus Tralfaz

@avclub-dc5a98f61eaf01884f262ccb70229af7:disqus ,  I know it's always been one of the my favorites.  Worse thing was I was grinning like an idiot the entire day that Gerald Ford really did die because of it.

Chickpeas.  The most sensuous of all the legumes. 

Chickpeas.  The most sensuous of all the legumes. 

"Nice house.  Good tea."

"Nice house.  Good tea."

"Okay Dukat, in this one Gerald Ford was senselessly killed and you're gay"

"Okay Dukat, in this one Gerald Ford was senselessly killed and you're gay"

I don't know, it seems pretty in line with his more pompous character traits.  Someone else mentioned it elsewhere but there is a great scene where he is rambling on for like four minutes while the rest of the cast is ignoring the message.

I don't know, it seems pretty in line with his more pompous character traits.  Someone else mentioned it elsewhere but there is a great scene where he is rambling on for like four minutes while the rest of the cast is ignoring the message.

Part 1 is pretty good, part 2 not so much.  So pretty much like every two part Star Trek episode.

Part 1 is pretty good, part 2 not so much.  So pretty much like every two part Star Trek episode.

I think that one works because it taps into the whole, we'll probably be dead tomorrow, so why not war mentality.  Also, Yar's decision to transfer to the Enterprise C was based off Guianan's reveal of her death in the main timeline, not her desire to be with Castillo.

I think that one works because it taps into the whole, we'll probably be dead tomorrow, so why not war mentality.  Also, Yar's decision to transfer to the Enterprise C was based off Guianan's reveal of her death in the main timeline, not her desire to be with Castillo.

So, so, brilliantly stupid.

So, so, brilliantly stupid.

Slightly off topic, I will be seriously disappointed if Frakes doesn't make an appearance next week.

Slightly off topic, I will be seriously disappointed if Frakes doesn't make an appearance next week.

Man, were where you before I ordered that Russian bride?

Man, were where you before I ordered that Russian bride?

I've said this before, but I'll bring it up again now that the episode is being discussed:  I've never understood why everyone is so down on Meridian.  It's a pretty good guide for how to interact with women.